Monday, August 8, 2016

Best Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Weight Loss

Breakfast has a reputation as the most important meal of the day, yet it’s also the one we’re all most likely to skip. Completely contradictory, right? Part of the dichotomy has to do with our penchant for eating on the go. (Ever have a meal while talking on the phone and working on your laptop? Yeah, we thought so.) But there’s another major reason so many of us forgo the morning meal: sheer confusion. Over the past decade, we’ve been barraged with endless contradictory drivel on what and when—and even whether—the meal should be, making breakfast too irksome to even think about, let alone eat.

Well, it’s time to stop the morning madness: We’ve pored over the recent research and asked top nutritionists what we really need to know about breakfast. So grab some coffee, free your toaster from storage, and get ready to break some eggs. Here are 4 striking truths about your morning meal. 1. Yes, you need it

Nutritionists have been going on for years about how eating breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar, revs metabolism, and can prevent you from devouring a whole box of cookies before lunch. But last year, the idea of “breakfast for weight loss” was seriously slammed after two American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studies suggested that the meal has no effect on waist size. One study found that, because they were more energized and active, breakfast eaters torched nearly 500 more calories than non-breakfast eaters. But—and it’s a big but—they also consumed 500 more calories daily by eating breakfast in the first place, negating the effect. Another 4-month study yielded similar findings: Neither eating breakfast nor skipping it had any impact on people’s weight, leading the study authors to conclude that breakfast was a matter of choice, not necessity, for fat loss.

Read More: Healthy Recipes For Weight Loss

Best Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Weight Loss

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Best Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Weight Loss
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