How to Make Quick,Easy and Healthy Snacks | Healthy Snack Ideas and Recipes
in this video the lady will show you tha How to make fast,easy,quick and very Healthy Snacks.
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Healthy snacks include those that have significant vitamins, are low in saturated fat and added sugars, and have a low sodium content. Examples of healthy snacks include:
◄ Foods that have whole grains
◄ Fruits and vegetables
◄ Nuts and seeds
◄ Low-fat dairy products
◄ Lean meats, eggs, such as hard-boiled eggs, and lean cheese
Nutritional concerns
Government bodies like Health Canada are recommending that people make a conscious effort to eat
more healthy, natural snacks – such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and cereal grains – while avoiding high-calorie, low-nutrient junk food.
A 2010 study showed that children in the United States snacked on average six times per day, approximately twice as often as American children in the 1970s. That’s roughly 570 calories more per day than they did in the 1970s.
Dieting and exercise have been a major trend for the last three decades although past years have focused on healthy snacks for weight loss through dietary supplements and flat. Fewer people are eliminating whole categories from their diet strategy plan programs and focusing on taking the right foods for weight-loss.
Snacks and cognition
A Tufts University, Department of Psychology empirical study titled, “Effect of an afternoon confectionery snack on cognitive processes critical to learning” found that a consumption of a confectionery snack in the afternoon improved spatial memory in the study’s sample group, but in the area of attention performance had a mixed effect.
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