Thursday, August 4, 2016

8 Best HEALTH BENEFITS OF EGGS For Hair, Skin, Wight Loss & Eye Sight

TOP nutrition values & health benefits of eggs. Adding eggs in your diet benefit in weight loss, improve hair growth, improve eyesight & more.

Most of us start our day with a breakfast that includes eggs! Eggs are rich in Proteins, Iron, Folate, Vitamin A, E and B12 and have many other beneficial nutrients which the human body requires. These yummy eggs are a good source of protein. Therefore it is recommended to eat the white of the egg more than the yolk because it is the white that has the maximum protein content in it.

Eggs provide your body with all the necessary vitamins and protein that are required to keep you healthy. Not to forget, they are loaded with many nutrients too. Whole eggs are one of the best foods on this planet. From adults to kids, all love eggs! We can’t deny the fact that eggs are one of the best foods when it comes to eating breakfast. Considering the health benefits of eggs, it’s strongly advised to add in the diet of children. Specifically in growing age, your child would need solid source of protein and eggs benefit in getting that. Also children love eating eggs.

There is a wrong notion among people that eggs raise the cholesterol levels in the body. The fact is that 70% of the people who eat eggs do not complain of cholesterol. Deadly deceases like cancer too can be kept at bay by consuming eggs. Egg yolk contains choline that is responsible for prevention of cancer.

Let us have a look at some of the health benefits of eggs:

1. Increases Satiety: Eating an egg for breakfast can keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. The fuller you are your hunger pangs too are reduced.

2. Facilitates Weight Loss: – Are you searching foods for weight loss. Well consider eating eggs. High satiety index in eggs helps in weight loss. Eggs along with whole grains and fruits or veggies make your meal healthy and complete. Many of us, who are on a weight loss regime, must eat the white of the egg in order to quickly lose weight from home.

3. Contains High Quality Protein: – Proteins are a building block of new tissues and repairs old ones. Eggs are said to contain the highest quantity of proteins followed by milk, fish and beef. Nothing can eat eggs when we talk of protein levels. Therefore do make it a point that your children are eating eggs regularly.

4. Keeps Bones Healthy and Strong: – Eggs are rich source of Vitamin D. This Vitamin is important for calcium absorption and to maintain bone health. If you want your bones to be strong then it is a must to start eating eggs on a regular basis. Inculcate the habit of eating eggs for breakfast and soon you will feel stronger from within. The benefit of eating eggs are not one but many. As discussed growing children needs an egg diet.

5. Keeps Hair and Nails Healthy: – Your hair and nails are indication of your health condition. To keep them healthy always include eggs in your diet regularly. The calcium content too in eggs is responsible for healthy hair and nails. Eggs helps in hair growth, control hair fall, getting a shiny hair, stop hair fall, cure dandruff and treat many other hair problems. Considering it’s importance to treat hair problems, many OTC hair care products often use egg as an ingredient. Other than helping the hair problems, eggs have a beneficial impact on improving your skin and face.

6. Boosts Immune System: – Vitamin D in eggs plays a vital role in strengthening immune system and making the body more resistant to common ailments. Begin eating eggs on a daily basis to stay fit.

7. Prevents Birth Defects: – Nutrients present in eggs are essential for pregnant women as it prevents neural tube defects and facilitates brain development in the fetus.

8. Prevents Cataracts and Protect Vision: – Eggs improves eyesight! Eggs are healthy and aid in healthy vision. Just like spinach and broccoli, eggs reduce the chances of developing cataracts and age-related retina and lens degeneration. Eggs also protect eyes from the harmful UV rays.

Still need more reasons to eat eggs. Make sure you share the benefits of eggs to all.

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8 Best HEALTH BENEFITS OF EGGS For Hair, Skin, Wight Loss & Eye Sight

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