Saturday, April 2, 2016

Healthy Breakfast: DAY 1: Pineapple & Kale Smoothie - Losing Weight

How to make pineapple, coconut and kale smoothie at home. Losing weight is always a challenge and finding a tasty diet recipe is even harder. I have created these healthy smoothie recipes to help you lose weight and stay in shape. This is a a really easy and very healthy recipe available for everyone. They are perfect for dairy-free, clean, vegetarian, gluten-free, raw diet and Paleo-friendly diets. This is a green smoothie recipe, that looks and tastes incredible. Healthy smoothies are quite filling too and can make a good meal replacement, particularly if you’re having smaller more regular meals for weight loss. They are delicious and nutritious, each smoothy only containing between 250 – 350 calories. Pour into cups and drink immediately for a delicious, healthy and energizing drink. This recipe serves 2 people.

Pineapples have exceptional juiciness and a vibrant tropical flavor that balances the tastes of sweet and tart. Pineapple is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Fiber and a very good source of Vitamin C and Manganese. Kale is now classified as a wonder food containing array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients. Kale is especially high in vitamin K for healthy blood and bones, proper brain function and reducing inflammation throughout your body. I definitely could have added a lot of other different things to this pineapple, coconut and kale smoothie but I’d love to hear some of your suggestions for other healthy ingredients you like to add into your smoothies and what you think of this one if you make it up for yourself.

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Ingredients for a healthy green smoothie:

Half of pineapple

Handful of Kale

1 cup coconut milk ( you can also use rice, almond or hazelnut milk)

Optional Ingredients:

Then add any of your favourite superfoods to the mix if you like!

-1 heaped tbsp chia seeds

1 heaped tbsp vanilla protein powder

½ tsp acai powder

1 heaped tsp maca


Step 1 : Blend your pineapple with coconut milk until smooth.

Step 2 : Add kale and blend until smooth. Enjoy.

Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.

Здоровый завтрак – зеленый коктейль. Рецепт для потери веса. Потеря веса может быть проблемой и найти вкусную диету еще сложнее. Я создалa эти здоровые рецепты Smoothie , чтобы помочь вам похудеть и оставаться в форме . Это очень легкый и очень здоровый рецепт доступен для всех. Здоровые коктейли очень вкусные и питательные, каждый Smoothy , содержит только 250 – 350 калорий.

Ингредиенты нам понадобится:

Половина ананаса

Горсть Кале

1 чашка кокосового молока (можно также использовать рис, миндаль или фундук молоко )

Read More: Healthy Recipes For Weight Loss

Healthy Breakfast: DAY 1: Pineapple & Kale Smoothie - Losing Weight

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Healthy Breakfast: DAY 1: Pineapple & Kale Smoothie - Losing Weight
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